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  1. alex salazar
    February 6, 2013 @ 1:23 pm

    I think there is no anti -libertarian distopian novels because distopia as a genre is heavily founded in response to society : a backlash to growing size and power of governments and possibly even fear of oppressive establishments within government (there’s more than a little red scare aftertaste in some of the classic examples) . Repeated themes in them include loss of control and society becoming monstrous. Which are fears that are very very libertarian.

    I also note that it as a genre is also very racially white. This may be because loss of control and institutional unfairness are already par for the course in real life if you are a racial or ethnic minority therefore there’s relatively little fear of loss there. For white, libertarian audiences the loss of what they take for granted goes along with the real life undertone of racism and paranoia regarding the possibility of winning the genetic lottery not mattering anymore. Even if not consciously, its heavily internalized.

    There is a reason why nearly all zombie apocalypse stories feature a white, male hero with either conservative or libertarian leanings, and women end up relegated to bandage rollers and black people die in act one. These stories (at the moment) are primarily power fantasies in which a white hero turns the distruction of society into salvation of society, with a white male libertarian hero as an ark for the percieved ‘correct ‘ societal values.

    • fjsalazar
      February 6, 2013 @ 2:05 pm

      Ok, I guess you are saying that dystopian stories have to be in reaction to a “topia” of some kind, and topias by their very nature are organized and limit freedom in some way, whereas an extreme libertarian society would be anarchic — while there would be conditions to complain about, there would be no “system” to criticize.

      • alex salazar
        February 6, 2013 @ 2:22 pm

        It’s also a very individualist -friendly fiction genre. Almost every example is about the triumph (or failure) of an individual against either an oppressive society or the karmic concequences of a ‘wrong ‘ or unstable society. It plays on a lot of fears that life is me -against -the -world and that accepting help leads to betrayal and weakness. Even if these stories include a team or a commune, the story will be about thst groups collapsearound the protagonist in some way… perhaps ending with the protagonist with ‘correct ‘ values (often the values held by the author and the target audience) founding the only successful or lasting enclave of new society. Shared themes can be seen in seasteading endeavors and freeman -on -the -land soviergn citizen philosophies.

        As an aside, modern distopic fiction is more popular in very individualist America than it is in other countries where communal or cooperative lifestyles are more encouraged.

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